Chen, Wei-Ching Graphic & Web Design
The navigation is simple such as scrolling all the way down until it reaches to the end and automatically goes back to the very top. The typos used in this website is similiar to the font used for the Seattle Art Museum logo. The details shows mostly his projects that he worked on
The navigation is simple such as scrolling all the way down until it reaches to the end and automatically goes back to the very top. The typos used in this website is similiar to the font used for the Seattle Art Museum logo. The details shows mostly his projects that he worked on
Ho, Viet Web Design & Interactive
One and two pages navigation, with simple fonts and the detail shows a lot for each of the projects done.
One and two pages navigation, with simple fonts and the detail shows a lot for each of the projects done.
Huang, MeiFei Graphic & Web Design
Similar to Ho, Viet, both use one to two pages of navigation and simple fonts, but theres more details for the each of the projects.
Similar to Ho, Viet, both use one to two pages of navigation and simple fonts, but theres more details for the each of the projects.
Hyde, Ian Graphic Design
muse website:
Navigation is the main webpage with several navigations to the projects. Font is both bolded and simple while the detail seems more like images rather than words.
Navigation is the main webpage with several navigations to the projects. Font is both bolded and simple while the detail seems more like images rather than words.
adobe myportfolio:
Toha, Lettisia Graphic & Web Design
Navigation works both the top and scroll down. Fonts is simple and large while the details is just like the Hyde, Ian's, images replaces words for details.
Navigation works both the top and scroll down. Fonts is simple and large while the details is just like the Hyde, Ian's, images replaces words for details.
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